Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Get Started in Amateur Radio

Tour of Amateur Radio

Before really studying anything new it is a good idea to see the big picture of what the topic involves. The video below will give a comprehensive overview of some of the different characteristics of amateur radio.

  Pre-Video Assignment: 

 Prior to watching the videos you are to write a short paragraph of what your present view and understanding of the nature of amateur radio. Be honest of what your factual and stereotypical opinions are about the hobby. Amateur Radio - a 21st Century Hobby is an overview of amateur radio in the United Kingdom. Once you become a “ham” you will understand the international and global nature of amateur radio.

Read again the original essay you wrote about amateur radio. Now add to that essay by writing your reactions to the videos you just watched. Discuss those aspects of amateur radio that are of particular interest to you.

Pass The Technician Class Ham Test

Begin an Adventure in Virtual REAL Reality

Learning how to become an amateur radio operator merges with the study of physics enables you to join millions of other people on a global adventure of communication and service. This project will show you how to pass the Technician Class test easily, help you develop a plan to build your own amateur radio station and learn good physics.

Important Learning Concepts. There are a few things you should fully understand about the type of learning you need to do in a project such as this.
  1. This project results in REAL events. First, you get your Technician Class Amateur Radio license then, during second semester, you launch and recover a balloon into Near Space..
  2. This isn't learning done to pass a test. It's learning to actually do something REAL.
  3. The questions labeled as "Exam Questions" are the actual questions directly from the exam you will take to get your license.
  4. Don't be offended by a reasonable amount of drill, practice and repitition. Belive it or not, that is what will enable you to do really well on the license exam. 
  5. It is critical that you do not guess the answers to questions. If you can't answer a question take the time to search out the answer. Just another thing to help you actually remember what you are working on.
  6. Attendance at scheduled laboratory activities is a requirement. It is strongly suggested that you attend other work/tutor sessions. They offer great opportunities to have questions answered and multiple options explored.